[quote=@Enki] The debate is pretty silly because it has to come down to those that are particpating have to agree to the same or similar ideas to whatever they are trying to do. Both would have to do more math or it won't work. Like I'm freeform to the core but trying to hang with the t1 crowd here seeing if there are people that are fun to game with. But the point of it is, unless there is an understanding going in it will devolve into bs no matter what. [/quote] I wouldn't go as far as say it's silly. Not the best topic maybe, but not silly because I'm actually enjoying reading and seeing the different sides of the debate as long it doesn't get heated. Debates of any sort is usually how I form thoughts, notes, etc about people in an OoC setting as well as learn about the arena itself. Example: I've only been in one rp, Kestrel's Library rp, where numbers have been applied in textual setting but it wasn't in the arena. So I got some information that I otherwise was ignorant of really. I also enjoy the view points, thoughts, and explanation on it from different people on matter. It, surprisingly, gives me a lot information on those involved in the debate while seeing how they might react to my thoughts and how I view it. So far, at least for now, everyone's been a bit chilled about the whole thing. Though if you got a better topic to discuss, then now would be an ideal time to bring it up and share?