[@Iatos] [color=9e0b0f]"Hello?... Eevee-ryone?[/color] Mellio's cloudy eyes open from under a clump of his clothing. With a audible yawn, he lifts the cloth that lay upon his head, stretching his arms and adjusting his flowing clothes. As he stood up, feeling sufficiently limber, he noticed three things that stood out to him. Firstly, he had absolutely no memories of anything, besides his name and the general knowledge of the world around him. Secondly, his body, specifically his skin, felt amazingly smooth, and for some reason that seemed to be both strange anf natural at the same time. Finally, he noticed the other sleeping people around him, along with the only one that was actually conscious, hovering over another that looked very similar. Feeling giddy for some reason or another, Mellios tip-toed silently over to the brunette, squating behind him while licking one of his own fingers. With a silent chuckle, he swiped the wettened finger across the back of the brunette's neck. [color=39b54a]"Hi there!"[/color], he greeted happily, watching the teen's response with a giggle and a mischievous grin.