[hider=Daijuuji Kirei]
Name: Daijuuji, Kirei [大十字 綺礼]

Age: 19
[hider=Normal Appearance]

Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?: Yes. 
[hider=Avatar Appearance]
[img]http://i.imgur.com/xrR1MDx.jpg [/img]

Dueling Avatar Name: Champagne Ticker 

[hider=Dueling Avatar Appearance]

Rank: 6

Legion?: Yes, up for claims if anyone wants. If not I'll just select one. 


Though Kirei had lived a rather uneventful life, one could not say the same for his parents. Born Nasu Kirei was born to a less-than-reputable father who, during his infancy, had been arrested and charged with a crime and placed in a correctional facility for the remainder of his days. 

Despite this not having anything to do with him, the children within his school were pressured through their parents to avoid the young Kirei due to this affiliation and superstition. He was nothing like his father, yet they ostracized him as if he had done the actions himself. This thought process infuriated Kirei more than anything else, however, he kept his calm. Isolated himself away from the rest of the class. He resented the father he had never met. Resented his given name. However, he never chose to recent himself. After all, he was nothing like his father, but they chose to associate himself with that monster. 

In his small town, he hardly had the ability to leave this past behind, and his family not the funds to support any movements outside of the city. Thus, he was forced to lay in the grave his father had dug until after his highschool days. 

After years of living in the countryside, now “Daijuuji Kirei” had gained scholarship to a college in Tokyo proper. Hoping to get away from the name he had been known as, Kirei tends to be sensitive about his past dealings, fearing that they might one day be able to haunt his existence in the event someone were to recognize his face. After all, he just wants a peaceful life. 

Personality: Kirei tends not to like to stand out too much. Though extremely skilled in a plethora of skills ranging from music to athletics to academics, Kirei chooses never to get the highest grade in the class, nor the lowest grade, settling constantly for third place. However, his skills tended to far exceed his peers in most every parameter. 

Many who know of Kirei think of him as if a ghost. The sort of person who leaves very little of their presence known and consumes but the minimum of what is required. However, Kirei also has various strange tendencies such as always eating at the exact time every day to always maintaining a clean room regardless of the time. Kirei believes that he has luck and fate on his side, exposing a superstitious facade, claiming that whenever faced with an obstacle he will be able to make it through with a combination of hard work and opportunity. 

Since Kirei does not wish for others to notice him, he will try everything to solve his problems without facing anyone directly so as to be seen by no one, however if he doesn't have any other choice, he will show himself only in the rarest of circumstances. It is not truly a “cowardly way”, but a way which would result in Kirei keeping his quiet life without hitch. Kirei seems a bit sentimental as well, refusing to change his first name but only his last name. After all, his mother had stated she was the one to name him. However, he seems overly eager to lose his family name upon the move. 

Kirei retains a degree of his desire to stay hidden through his avatar, as he seems to prefer not directly confronting others unless he absolutely has to.


[hider=Enhanced Armaments]
Enhanced Armaments:  Moonchild : Champagne Ticker's ability is the ability to change what he has touched into an explosive which can then transfer from other objects the user touches or the object selected to hold the explosive touches. Though the explosion can never exceed a certain size, slightly larger than an avatar, the user can normally create a bomb large enough to kill an avatar when affected by the move directly. 

By touch, Moonchild may charge any object as a bomb. If a charged object is touched, the charge travels from that object into the whole of a target before exploding and destroying it completely. However, only one bomb can be maintained at any given time. The user cannot utilize this ability outside of a combat setting. However, the bomb is silent and easily used as sort of an assassination-type of weapon. Though the weapon cannot be utilized during fights that Champagne Clicker is not a “member” of, within the unlimited field the weapon can be used at will, given a limit of a single bomb active at a time. 

When within a person, the bomb cannot activate for 3 minutes within the game. However, external bombs may be activated instantaneously, but the effect of an internalized bomb much outweighs the negatives if given the chance to utilize it. .

Transfer of the bomb from object-to-object is instantaneous unless the transfer experiences a player, in which case a one second rule applies, needing himself or what he had designated to be the bomb to keep on the person's body for an entire second before being able to utilize the transfer. However, Champagne Clicker hopes to eventually reduce this figure to a normal transfer through leveling this skill. 

Champagne also needs to be able to see what he had designated the bomb, otherwise he is unable to determine if he can transfer the bomb from another object to another object, but he always has an understanding of where the bomb is currently. A single bomb can be active at a single time and a bomb in circulation cannot be cancelled unless it explodes. 

However, due to the lack of effective combat stats within Champagne Clicker, it is rather difficult to actually utilize the bomb functionality of the ability directly on an opponent, so thought tends to be important in regards to application of the bombings. 

A useful skill for assassination and to catch another off guard with. Otherwise a tad bit lackluster. 

