Name: Ulrich Halechstin Age: 19 Species: Human Aspect: Creation Discipline: Runes [Tends to focus on this single aspect] Medium: He is fully capable of writing runes with only his hands, however, this takes a longer time so he tends to use a saber. This saber is both for fighting directly and for writing runes. Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img][/img] (The flying this is his 'familiar' so to say)[/hider] Most would consider him small for his age, standing at a height of 5'4". He is distinct among others because of his gray hair and eyes, which is quite odd for a young boy to have. He also has childish features for someone who is nearing the age of 20. He rarely wears anything other than his signature greyish green cloak and its hood is usually seen covering his head. One other noticeable feature about him is the odd shaped tattoo under his right eye, even he is unsure of what it is. He carries around a knapsack which contains books, magical or not and other needs. On his side is his signature saber which he mainly uses as a medium for his runes and for fighting as well. Personality: Ulrich is a bookworm, no kidding. He just absolutely loves them. He can be usually seen burying his nose in a book in his spare time when he is not with other people. He appreciates these alone times since it is peaceful and he can fully immerse himself in the story that he is reading. However, he is quite nice and can strike up a conversation with someone if need be. He can be quite friendly and open minded in a sense that he is willing to listen to anything and not judge you, whether it be your problems or your sources of happiness. He isn't one to sell out a friend too. He also has a strong sense of responsibility and doesn't go back on his word unless there is no other choice. Despite coming from an wealthy family, he doesn't seem to be a stuck-up, arrogant person one would imagine him to be. He is quite humble to and doesn't flaunt his money around, if he does it is by pure accident and he isn't aware of that his actions or words could be interpreted as that. He takes pride in his last name because he looks up to his father and mother, not because of the wealth that comes with it. Bio: Ulrich was born in a very wealthy family who lived in Astra. His father was part of the government but Ulrich couldn't care any less. He was thought how to use Aeon but no matter how many trainers were put for him to learn Existence control, it never worked out. He didn't seem too interested in any of it, instead opting to admire the Invokers who called upon nothingness and created things and those who destroy things completely. Both were dangerous uses so his father originally declined his request to learn either discipline. And so the boy escaped into the local library and started to learn for himself. He had learned many things and memorized many runes but he knew better than to do the more dangerous spells. And so he tried a small scale experiment, to summon a familiar. He carefully inscribed the runes and then reviewed it all over again. He was extremely careful so it wouldn't turn on him. He then summoned a white round bird-like creature. It made him tired but that was quickly overcome by his excitement and happiness. It followed his orders and then he made it disappear again. This was his first achievement and it certainly wasn't the last. He had shown this to his father and he was beyond impressed and so he allowed him to learn Rune Magic. Although he has his blunders every once in a while that either caused the explosion of the training hall or releasing a wild earth golem into the streets only to be defeated by other Invokers, he was still considered a good student. His parents then sent him off to A.E.I.O.U which would certainly hone his abilities. This would probably be the start of her second year but he has shown promise because of his previous lessons. Electives: Chaos Theory and Combat Extra: [list] [*] He has perfect memory [*] Has a small familiar named Gybril that he keeps around, first creation [/list]