The Existence Control and Social Studies Teacher. Name: Gilfrid Greenhorn Age: 15 Species: Beast; Barometz Aspect: Existence Discipline: Varied; specialized in Earth. Medium: His Roots. Appearance: [Hider=Animal form][img][/img][/hider] In his animal form, he seems to look like a normal sheep, with a pure white coat, beady black eyes and all four of his legs. The only thing that would set him apart from a common farm animal is the vines that replace his feet, and are branched from his belly and flank, connected to a large plant that he sits infront of. When transformed into a human form, his skin is a deep tan. His eyes are still black, but he has flowing, shoulder-length brown hair instead of a pure white. His physical age would seem to be of a middle aged man, around the early 30s. The vines are still connected to his stomach like an umbilical cord, but it is only a single vine as opposed to many. He is 5'5", 13'0" if he is held aloft by his vines Personalty: An easy-going person. He has lived a much longer life than others of his kind, so he lives it to the fullest as only he can, mostly by sunning himself in the courtyards or communing with Nature. He'll always help anyone in need, no matter how big or small the problem is. If he is unable to solve it on the first try, he will try even harder the next until he succeeds. A world full of peace is his vision, and is why he had started to teach in A.E.I.O.U. in the first place: To make a connection between all Races. He is constantly reading, learning more and more about all cultures to be able to interact with each one. His big fascination with Races is the biggest reason why he's the Social Studies teacher. Bio: Barometz usually don't live longer than a year, not because of their lifespan, but because of their inability to move. The same fate would have befallen the young Gilfrid, had a wandering Invoker not taught him how to use the wondrous power of Aeon. He had struggled immensely, having had no connection to it before hand. So much trouble, in fact, that the Invoker had to transfer his plant to a new location so that he wouldn't starve. Over time, he had finally mastered Aeon enough that he could actually move within the Earth, without crushing his roots by accident and killing himself. When he had learned the secret of movement, Gilfrid chose to follow the Invoker, wishing to learn more and repay the debt of saving his life. The mystery Invoker was actually not truly mysterious at all: it was the Headmaster before he became called "Headmaster". When A.E.I.O.U. had first been constructed 4 years ago, Gilfrid had been one of the first teachers to be of a non-human descent. He had been teaching and molding the young minds of future Invokers ever since. Time spent as a teacher of AEIOU: 4 years Extra: -One of the three teachers that has touched the level of "concepts" -No one, except his closest friends, are allowed to eat of the fruit that grows along his vines. If you even TRY, he will catch you, give you a good spanking (regardless of age), and a long, 5 hour lecture about not stealing from others. The only people currently allowed to eat the sweet, delicious fruits are Hana and The Headmaster. -He lives and teaches under a massive, 50-foot oak tree, located in the forest that surrounds the school. -He has fought with a Dread only once. Never wants to do it again. -His Manifestation, the power that is unlocked when one touches the realm of concepts, is currently unknown to anyone except him and the Headmaster.