The Destruction Control and Employment Ed. Teacher Name: Hephaestus Sin Age: 48 Species: Human Aspect: Destruction Discipline: Void Medium: Feelings, specifically anger and excitement. Appearance: [hider=The Dread Corsair] [IMG][/IMG][/hider] He is of a heavy build at 5'7", having a caucasian skin tone and jet black hair with strands of silver from age. His dark eyes seem as if they look into your soul, taking you apart from the inside. His face has a scar that stretches from his forehead to the edge of his left lip, but that is the only VISIBLE scar. Personality: When he is with students, he will be seen as a hard rock, an impenetrable fortess of clam. He speaks with a clipped voice, as if he had other important matters to attend to besides "teaching a couple of brats". He is largely unhelpful in every way, saying that if one had a problem, they should fix it themselves. Cursing is natural to him, he doesn't care who you are or what you've done, he'll swear like a sailor and won't give a damn. When using his Aeon, he is seen in a different light. He will lash out in anger, act more crude than before, and laugh randomly with no rhyme nor reason. He can change his feelings like a switch, so most people see him as a madman. It is said that he has another side, but it is only known to the veteran teachers of the Academy. Bio: Before he was a teacher, before he was known as the "Dread Corsair" in the Invoker community, he was a farm boy. Born as an orphan, his mother dying in childbirth and father leaving before he was even weaned, Hephaestus was adopted into a small farmer family, where he learned the tools of the trade and became the most valuable farm hand. This life was led for 10 years, until he had made a connection to Aeon. It didn't matter which side of the family it was, but one of his ancestors was a Void user. This revalation did not go well with the farmers, who had suffered losses to the Dread years before. He was kicked off the farm, and never allowed back onto it again. After that, the history becomes fuzzy. Some say that he had joined the Military, and had fought against the Kingdom of Gaia many decades ago. Others say the he later found the Rogue Invoker, and learned how to control the Void from him, and later abandoned the Rogue in order to return to society. No matter the tales, it is always said that he had the greatest pissing contest against the Dread, constantly seeking them out and destroying them on the spot. His acceptance for a job at A.E.I.O.U. was the biggest mystery in Invoker history, and no one has a clue to this day. Time spent as a teacher at AEIOU: 2 years Extra: -Will never talk about himself. Ever. -Always wears his armor. He doesn't ever take it off. Even the other teachers haven't seen him without his armor, except the Headmaster. -Actually has an airship, which is usually docked at its personal docking station near the school. Was the reason he was named the "Dread Corsair", for finding and chasing Dreads while boarded on the ship. "The Blight" is now used as a flying school bus, to his greatest regret. -Has a secret addiction to Gilfrid's fruits after tasting one of them by accident, much to the Barometz' ire. -The most experienced fighter, but not the strongest. -One of the three teachers that has touched the level of "concepts". However, he has not gained a Manifestation, only a greater control of the Void.