[quote=@Morden Man][@Blue Demon] Heh, well given that misspelling Rogers one time hasn't effected the quality of your posts I let it slide. What would life be without a little human error here and there? Other than eminently safer, obviously.[/quote][quote=@Eddie Brock] I'm with [@Morden Man] on that one, [@Blue Demon]. Once I noticed the "Ro[b]d[/b]gers" was a one-time slip, I let it slide. I mean, I've got to look up Curt Connors' last name every time I use it -- including that time -- just to verify that it's "Connors" and not "Conners." (Incidentally, I'm the same way with Connor/Conner Kent, although that's mostly because the two keep getting used interchangeably.) [/quote] Whelp. I knew as soon as I stepped away to take a shower that everyone would think I was serious. #NotAsFunnyAsIThinkIAm [quote=@Morden Man]Hopefully I come back to find we've broken through the 160 mark in the IC thread.[/quote] I'm working on Ivy today, but no guarantees she'll be up before you're back.