The Science Teacher Name: Anna Magi Age: 165 Species: Daemon; Vampire. Aspect: Existence Discipline: Varies, specialized in Plants Medium: Verbal Commands. Appearance: [Hider=Wow, a stereotypical race for once!] [img][/img] [/hider] Anna is a silver haired lady, who looks to be in her late teens. Her red eyes and prominent fangs being the obvious features of her race. Her nails are always sniped, but would be naturally long and sharp if she let them grow. She is 5'3", and is seen as the most out of place teacher. Personality: With the stereotype of vampires sucking blood very prominent among humans (which isn't true), she always tries to keep her distance from her students so that they don't get the wrong idea. She's probably the most average of the teachers, not really having her own tick that makes her unique... Except she doesn't make eye contact. Ever. Especially with any males. Try as you might, she will never look you straight in the eyes. She will stand up for her own beliefs over anything else, sometimes even over the truth. Her determination in beliefs also translate to every action she makes, always going places with a purpose. The second most busy teacher, after Hana. Bio: Hellios was a boring place for her. 50 years of her life, wasted on that rock. No one cared for her, since she looked too young to marry, but too old to coddle. She quickly fled to Polaris, where she lived a secret life for a long, long time. She was never found out, studying at different Academies under different names, trying to keep herself hidden from the humans that disapprove of her kind. She was finally found by an Invoker. The Headmaster. He was looking for a teacher to teach Aeon Theory, since his previous teacher had quit after seeing a Minotaur transform in the middle of the classroom. Seeing the Daemon, he invited her to A.E.I.O.U. where she could have sanctuary. She only needed to teach one class, so she agreed. What could possibly happen? The previous year, she contemplated quitting, but decided not to. Students are jerks. Time spent as a teacher at AEIOU: 2 years Extra: -For the teacher in particular, looking someone straight in the eye is a sign of interest. She has no interest in anyone, not even the other male teachers. -Anna, Hana, and Meliona go out every Sunday to a bar in Noir called "The Salty Stinger" -Hates riding Hephaestus' ship, "The Blight". It gives her flight sickness.