Mellio quickly started to move the moment he saw the purple slimes, the Grimers, ready their attacks. He acted fast and out of the blue, pushing Frida out of the way of the Sludge aimed at her, while hopping out of the trajectory of the poisonous attack, himself. Taking a moment to praise himself over his fast timing, he watched the Poison Gas creep over to each of the Gijinka's locations. That isn't good at all. As he observed the gas, he noticed a yellow shape out of the corner of his eye. He took a few seconds to focus on it, and was surprised to see a girl with blond hair watching the scene of battle, her long yellow tail moving in a subtle rhythm. He started to think. Maybe she could help? The blond didn't seem too frightened by the Pokemon, and was just watching the battle like one would a blade of grass. Covering his mouth and nose with his long sleeve, he took a chance and broke into a sprint towards the blond, hoping that the Pokemon wouldn't target him as he did so. More help meant more fun, and more fun meant more chances for friends.