[i][center]An era outside of Time. A place outside of Space. A reality outside the Multiverse.[/center][/i] Before Gods and Titans, before reality lay unformed in the emptiness of the Abyss, they watched timeless time pass. They counted eons as we count seconds, before reality was a concept they observed the violent Abyss as sentries and watchers of an unknown future. Eons pass and suddenly reality burst into existence with a brilliant spark of light. Casting back the darkness of the abyss with a glorious flash. A universe was born, followed by another and another. Timelines branched each universe into new universes in and of themselves. An infinite multiverse surrounded by an even vaster Abyss. Two infinities in flux, these silent watchers observed for an infinity of years. Timelines flowed around them, and they witnessed all things. Past. Present. Future. Watched everything begin and end, begin anew and die once again. Through infinite eons and countless universes, they witnessed the greatest among the great. Warriors whose power was great enough to crack universes, kings who lead their worlds against invaders, women whose beauty was so great that they drove kingdoms to war with one another. Heroes, villains, and ambivalent entities. Standing a head above those one can consider normal, they were worthy and great. And they were chosen. Brought from their homes, torn from battle, brought from the peace of death and dragged from the future where they had yet to be born. All to this, the World of War, to have a home beyond their petty existence in the mortal realm. Here they live lives among their own kind, the powerful and brilliant. The beautiful and terrifying. All who leave marks on history are recorded here for eternity. Living and dying, born again and again with every death. Cities are built and razed, continents have risen and fallen. As your name falls into obscurity, as your influence grows. So to does your home shrink and envelop. This world is strange in time, heroes appear and disappear. Those beyond all things remove and add, returning and relieving those who seem to grow tired. It is a world in an eternal state of flux. This is the World of War, home to the great.