Just some quick fire questions. 1. Tier limits, going to have them? There's pros and cons for both sides. 2. Arena rules going to apply, have to agree to fights and organise events before-hand in order to ensure only agreed upon fights occur? 3. Progression elements? 4. Any and all character types allowed? 5. Any judging required or is the entire thing working on rule of cool etc? 6. Who's going to run everything? How many people etc. 7. Factions? How they going to work etc. 8. Will there be an inexplicable tavern for all the cool kids to meet in the corners of? 9. Will that tavern hop around the world allowing everyone in? 10. Any end goal or is it just a case of dicking about with characters without having to fight all the time? The good thing about multiverses I find is that it allows for a lot of background fluff armies and battles, which are cool filler. That's it for the moment.