1: No tier limitations, save Ultra-High and God-Tier of course. Since we don't want the planet popping in space. Let's say that beings THAT powerful have their own plane of existence and leave it at that. Though the previous tier system will be a five tier system instead of three. This gives more wiggle room for the rules of engagement. Low Low/Mid Mid Mid/High High Rules of Engagement are as Follows: [indent] If you are a tier higher than your opponent. Your opponent can choose to fight you alone. However, they are allowed to bring in a companion. As long as all parties are in agreement. If you are multiple tiers higher than your opponent. They may bring in multiple companions. Or agree to challenge you alone at their expense. This allows for more fair fights. Encourages cooperation. And allows for challenging more powerful characters. This tier system isn't stupid either. There is no such thing as invincibility. If you're stronger than your opponent, it doesn't mean you won't take damage from them. [/indent] 2: Standard Arena Rules, though with a few additional to keep things clearer than your average roleplay. I'm not going to enforce a numbers system, but what I will enforce is clear character sheets. If I can't understand what your character can do, I won't allow it. I tried changing the rules before when I hosted the last one, but it didn't work out too well. So I'm sticking to the basics. 3: Player driven, mostly. Though I'll try my damnedest to get stories rolling. This is much more open world on a much more reasonable scale than the previous Multiverse. The planet system was kinda shitty, since getting from planet to planet was frustrating. This is an Earth Sized World and it's possible to travel by land sea or air to get where you want to be. And since there will be a news network, people will be able to find hotspots where fights are active. 4: All characters. Except maybe really bad ones. Like. . . [hider=Like Coldsteel] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/318d/f/2014/070/d/0/coldsteelthehedgeheg_by_coldsteelthehedgeheg-d79ucfn.jpg[/img] [/hider] Oh previously stated, no ultra-high and god tiers. 5: I'm probably not going to mark this as ranked. So there won't be any ranked judgement, but if there is dispute about posting or moves, I'll step in to rule. 6: So far, myself and [@Tantalum]. We discussed his participation over skype, and he's agreed to help me out. Though I might need a third who's more active. 7: Factions are character created and run, with an agreed upon leader. I will keep a list of factions and I'll have to draw up maps of where their zone of influence is. Factions grow in influence by increasing in number or winning battles. 8: No >:C Instead we'll have a centralized urban area where the characters can do normal things and converse with eachother. Bars, restuarants, the whole lot. I'll describe its appearances once I get the first thread open. 9: *Jazz Hands* [img]http://www.trains-aircraft-trams.com/uploads/1/3/1/9/13192605/4409821_orig.gif[/img] Trains that run inexplicably to every major location. Totally instant travel, despite them just being trains. 10: End goal implies there's a starting point. Honestly there's really no over-arching plot. Since this is going to be mostly player driven, any major plot that seems to pick up interest will become the major plot of the roleplay. Until the interest fades in that, and a new one emerges.