Name: Lillian Halechstin Age: 20 Species: Human Aspect: Destruction and Existence [mainly Destruction] Discipline: Void and Lightning [mainly Void] Medium: Her medium is the two gloves that she possesses which are firmly planted on her hands. This has been created solely for controlling her destructive power. If not wearing these gloves, the Void becomes very inaccurate and so does her Lightning making it very dangerous to use. [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] Don't mind the crystal... [/hider] Her hair has been a known anomaly among the Halechstin family. It divides itself into two, the right side is black whilst the left side is gray so she possesses both hair colors of their parents. Her eyes are azure blue, taking after her mother, and shines under the light. As opposed to her brother, she is quite tall, standing at a height of 5'8". Unlike her brother, she wears a collared black coat with neon blue linings and then the same color theme for her slacks [skirt in rare occasions]. Under her right hand is some sort of mark, similar to Ulrich's eye, and she doesn't know what it is. She hides it with her specially made gloves. The gloves are black and neon blue, following the color scheme of her clothing. Personality: Lillian is the polar opposite of Ulrich. Whilst her brother is an outgoing and friendly person, she is not. She is an aloof girl who has close to no friends, if there is any at all. She doesn't openly interact with people unless forced to do so. However, she does know how to listen and follow orders like a good soldier would do. She has always claimed neutrality in everything, not hating nor loving people. She does, however, have a soft spot for her two brothers and acts friendly around them, not that it is much of a difference, but it's the thought that matters. She has developed this personality mainly because of her use of Void. One emotion could ruin everything for her, so she distances herself from people and became nearly emotionless so she wouldn't feel anything and thus the Void would still be under her control. Although if one would be extremely patient and persistent with her, they could break her wall and welcome you as a friend. However, you death might be the cause of her death as well as the Void would consume her completely. Bio: Lillian is the second born to a wealthy family living in Astra. From a young age, she was taught many things and she often played with both of her brothers. She was quite a happy child back then. However, one faithful day, she had discovered her ability to use the Void. She could destroy things at will but she had little control over it. Her parents feared her power and locked her under the house grounds, in the cells, with only two teachers to help her control the power. She had been very lonely and her stone cold heart was created in these times. But her brothers, Ulrich and Caesar, often slip by security to visit her; these were the times where she was truly happy. When Ulrich expressed his wishes to enter A.E.I.O.U., their parents thought they should enrol Lillian as well. Caesar couldn't since he would soon take over his father's position (or at least they hoped to). Lillian had been well-versed in the use of the Void by that time and has been learning the basics of Lightning. Her time at the Academy had helped her greatly, she had learned many things to help her in both the Void and Lightning. Her Lightning hadn't been as powerful as her Void so she tends to switch between these two, depends on what the objective is. This is her third year in the Academy. Electives: Destruction Control and Combat