[@ianzerep] [@Devo] [@RiverMaiden] [@Eagenitheflamingkprince] Twix gave the battle scene a worried look before Elvina snapped him out of his daze. Her idea of them getting the supplies right now was probably very good but in doing so they could also put themselves at risk as they had no idea what would lurk in the forest nearby. However it was not like they had any choice either, they had to take this serious risk because they couldn't just sit around and hope that none would get wounded or poisoned. [color=green]"Yes, that's probably a good idea, even if we don't know what dangers the forest holds we got no other options right now"[/color] he said as he let out a long breath, then inhaled as he took off towards the forest. He would still stay cloe to Elvina in case she would need his support. He nodded to her as she spoke about the fight, he too knew that it was possibly impossible to just keep running away. However he didn't really feel as confident as the others, he was not sad about this situation but he still didn't feel like taking such risks if they could be avoided. [color=green]"I know we can't always run, But there's no point to get into unnecessary battles. Careless actions will be dangerous now, and without healing items and equipment on hand or avalible even easy battles can have an unwanted lingering effect. One poisoning could take someone's life if we're not careful"[/color] he said worridly as he looked around the woods. Right now they were in one of the possibly worst situations he could think about... split up with more than half their party engaged in a battle that could possibly kill them before the other two could get the supplies they might need. And on the other hand even if the party fighted succeeded the ones left in the woods could fall if they were engaged by hostile pokémon as they were such a small group. While Twix started looking for berries immediately, he while making sure that Elvina stayed on her feet failed to notice a root on the ground that caught his foot and tripped him. He yelped as he let go of Elvina as to not trip her too and gasped as he fell to the ground with a groan. It was not a very bad fall but it hurt him a bit, and his foot more so. [color=green]"Ow... owww... my ankle"[/color] he said as he pulled his foot out of the root. A closer examination revealed that it would probably get a bit blue and swollen, nothing was broken but it would probably leave him in a bit of pain for a while that possibly could get worse. He was a bit frustrated and took it out on the root itself, pulling on it hard until it loosened from the ground and then starred at it. It seemed however that his misfortune weren't as bad after all... the very root he had stumbled upon could be indentified as a [b]Energy Root[/b] Yet Twix probably wanted to throw the thing away at the moment as he really had no clue. Nearby however there hung two [bSitrus berries[/b] and a [b]Oran berry[/b] on a bush. Nothing of which would cure poison but all of them would restore lost health. [hr] The battle went on, and as the Grimer's took some [b]Covering Fire[/b] from flames, one of them were certainly harmed by the move as they weren't very good at dodging them. Then right after came some bubbles and slapped against another one harming it as well, both these moves passed through the gas released from one of the Grimers who all took the oppertunity to advance forward a bit and spread out slightly so they would be harder to hit. Then they unleashed another barrage of moves, even if one of the Grimers needed the inspiring presence of the Leading Muk to actually make its move after the counter attack. One of their opponents slipped away from the battle during the exchange of attacks, making the rest of the enemy pokémon focus on the remaining two. Two of the Grimer's Fired of Mud Slap towards Pyro and Frida, while one of the ones that had been injured by the previous moves used Harden to raise its defence. The Muk Fired a Sludge Wave towards them both. The Battle was now somewhat 4 vs 2.