[h1][center][color=ed1c24]Pyro[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/59/64/79/596479b71d0d5e9a7feb3872cad4189e.jpg[/img][/center] [@Eagenitheflamingkprince][@ianzerep][@Iatos][@Devo][@RiverMaiden] Pyro sent another ember to deal with the mudslap headed his way and then Frida's before his mouth was once again letting off small fiery sparks. "This feeling...yes, I enjoy this quite nicely." Pyro chuckled before using the ember to launch himself slightly upwards, which allowed him to scale a nearby building just slightly easier. Of course that meant that Frida now seemed to be fighting the four by herself...however she wasn't. There was only one way they could win this fight, and that was by taking risks. And who would be willing to do so? Pyro of course. Covering his mouth using his sleeve, Pyro now ran headfirst into the gas. The gas stung his eyes somewhat but he simply ignored it and fought through the pain. Seeing movement in the gas, he quickly moved his hand away from his mouth to launch another volley of ember. Once the ember was gone he quickly covered his mouth once more. He knew he would get poisoned eventually, his sleeve wouldn't keep the toxins out forever if at all. However...it did make breathing easier at this stage, and he would simply eliminate the four pokemon before the poison became too big a problem.