[@Iatos] [@Devo] [@ianzerep] [@Lunarlors34] [@RiverMaiden] Elvina just looked at twix and sighed then smiled. " We will need to gather more of those Energy Roots, and we need all kinds of herbs in this world that has any kind of healing Properties, I'm lucky my knowledge about plants for healing hasn't disappeared she said and pulled a giant leaf from a tree branch as she slowly walked on her unknown legs, but sometimes she starts walking on fours once in awhile as her tail continued to sway. " She picked the berries that they found then she took the root from Twix and laid it on the giant leaf that she had with her. She took an oran berry over to Twix and smled nicely. " Here Twix eat this we can't let you search for the rest of the berries and herbs for healing our follow party members that is fighting still." She said and sniffed the air and located more [b]oran berries[/b], [b]Sitrus Berries[/b], and she also found another [b]energy root[/b]. She also found some [b]Pecha berries[/b], [b]Aspear berries[/b], [b]Chesto berries[/b], [b]Cheri Berries[/b], [b]Rawst berries[/b], [b]Persim berries[/b] and Some [b]Revival Herbs[/b] plus more [b]Energy Roots[/b]. She put everything she found into the leaf and continued collecting more for a lifetime supplies for curing the wounded, but she already knew the healing supplies will decrease greatly during the weeks and months living in these strange bodies with mysterious stones on them.