[@RiverMaiden] As he got closer to the blond, Mellio started to see more and more details of her person, especially the anklet that had a mysterious stone within it. She WAS like the rest of them. Each and every one of them had one of those weird gems embedded in some kind of accessory. He thought that it was pretty cool, kind of like a secret team of sorts. He finally reached the girl, who was startled by his presence, heaving from his full on sprint. Having fully recovered after a few seconds, his happy personality went full force, showing on his face, his posture, and even as a sort of aura around him. [color=39b54a]"Hi there! I saw you watching us fight, and I was wondering if you could help!"[/color] he exclaimed quickly in a single breath, sounding more like: [color=39b54a]"HithereIsawyouwatchingusfightandIwaswonderingifyoucouldhelp!"[/color] Taking one of the girl's hands in his own, he gave her his best pout. [color=39b54a]"Please? My friends need help!"[/color] he punctuated his finished sentence with a surprise hug, repeatedly asking [color=39b54a]"Please?"[/color] and not letting go until she said yes.