Name: Josephine Gale Age: 95 Species: Deamon, Vampire Aspect: Existence Discipline: Earth & Fire, Medium: Eyesight- (she invokes her powers at the spot she is looking at.) this allows her to see the life force of others and can also prevent her from killing them. Not using this would make it a lot easier for her to kill by mistake. This would also affect how she uses her Aeon based abilitys as her eyes let her see how much Aeon she has absorbed and how much of someone's life force is left. By not using her Eyesight to see Aeon she can become quite animalistic and aaerratic which makes her dangerous to both her enemy's and her friends. Appearance: she is girl that looks about 19 in human years and has long red hair that reaches her bum. At the bottom if her red hair it is beginning to turn a silvery white due to stress. She has a slender figure and emerald green eyes that turn blood red when she is hungry and only flickers red when she is beginning to get hungry. She also has semi long talon like nails. Personality: She is very kind hearted in nature and hates to harm others but sometimes she racan't help it. When she gets hungry she gets very short tempered and irritated. She also tends not to socize with anyone outside the class room and will generally keep to herself. Bio: She is a vampire that has been taught at a very early age that feeding off another's life force is wrong and was told that a lot lf vampire society frowned upon those that feed off others, and so she was taught the art of feeding off the energy of the world, Aeon. This did not last though. After seventy years of feeding off of Aeon she found she had to feed more often than normal and soon realised that she could no longer survive on Aeon as her body was beginning to reject it. The only way she could now feed on others was by feeding on another's life force. It was then that the headmaster had found her as she had killed people accidentally because of her raging hunger. He took her in and enrolled her at the school as he saw something good in her. He gave her some tablets that were supposed to artificially sate her hunger for a little while. Electives: Existence Control Class, but Hand to Hand and Swords play Combat. Extra: - She is afraid of losing control and killing someone. - She doesn't want to accept she is a vampire who has to feed on others. -She hates what she is and has often considered ending her life - She can absorb Aeon in order to use her elemental powers but cannot feed upon it.