[hider=Headmaster] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/68/be/06/68be06a340e1788b602d4b86d346994c.jpg[/img] Name: "The Headmaster" Age: 35 Species: Human Aspect: Existence Discipline: Varied, specialized in Fire Medium: His Will. He can also use his ever present pipe as a Medium, but only for Fire Appearance: With naturally spiked, dirty blond hair, and bright, cerulean eyes full of awe, The Headmaster of the Academy doesn't look a day over 20. He has pale white skin, and always wears a blue scarf throughout the seasons. His square black glasses, combined with a smoking pipe that is always with him, try to make him look more mature, but don't work very well for him. Personality: Always caring, always kind. The Headmaster is a friend to all, and will gladly be in community with everyone around him. He doesn't talk very much, but is very willing to laugh out loud boisterously. A warm smile is always plastered to his face, and will take long walks around the campus just to see how his students are doing. He has one, really bad flaw though, that all the teachers have to try and motivate him with the most mundane things to keep the Academy in business. He is really lazy when it comes to working. At all. Organizing, paperwork, any office job. He will try his best to not even be NEAR the pile of paperwork that somehow keeps multiplying every time he looks at it. Thankfully, the faculty are able to keep him in check, and allow the school to function as maximum capacity. Bio: His past isn't well known, and is hidden to everyone except the faculty of the Academy. He is the second greatest mystery to the Invoker community, Hephaestus' acceptance into A.E.I.O.U. being the first. Maybe if you get close to the teachers, you could find out? Extra: -He likes sweets. A lot. These are the primary way that the faculty keep him working: by supplying him with his addiction when he finishes his work, and not a moment before. He always tries to stash some away for safe keeping, but they somehow are always missing when he goes back for them. -His Manifestation, The Single White Flame, is unique to him, and him alone. Some of the more powerful Invokers have tried to replicate the feat, but none of them have succeeded thus far. [/hider]