[center][color=ed1c24][i]Will it be a city of flesh and bone or dust and blood?[/i][/color][/center] [hr] You would think for the monster folk that had now traveled to the surface, life would be much better than down below, but that would only be wishful thinking. It has been around five years since the City of Lecompton has accepted its somewhat magical and furry new residence. The overpopulated city before this had been a place of innovation and new thinking, the idea that there was no such thing as racism on this plot of land. That would be wrong too. Ever since the monsters had come, innovation had been stomped on, through into the trash, and burned to a crisp. No one could handle the idea that monsters from old story books were stealing their jobs and going to their children's schools. Monsters were just lucky that they hadn't come doing the 1700s, slavery was a very serious and scary thing. Now the monsters had been in Lecompton for now 5 years, so at least some people have come to see their value. Yes, monsters are usually downgraded to working jobs that usually involve manual work or blue color jobs. But for people who have gotten to talk to any of these monsters seriously, the folk would surely grow on them. One can only hope that they will be accepted in the next lifetime. [hr][hr] [color=ed1c24][b]There is a 7 character limit to this rp! All roles are available![/b][/color] [i][b]Note:[/b] This is an Undertale RP, original story by Toby Fox[/i] This rp will be based around one company. The company will be a run of the mill... hmm, probably a sales company. Here there will be blue collar jobs for monsters and office jobs for humans. As stated above, there will be seven characters in this rp not including me. At least two of the humans must be against having monsters coexist with humans. [b]Important Note:[/b] This RP will not involve canon characters, and if possible, please avoid using any characters that are related to canon characters. PM me if you would like a related character, but you must convince me why this character isn't living with the main cast and is Lecompton. [u]Races you can be:[/u] -Human [i](3-4)[/i] All left! -Monster [i](3-4)[/i] All left! [hider=Role Descriptions] [b]Human[/b] You first found out that monsters existed five years ago when they showed up in town. The first year everyone seemed excited, but most people are extremely racist against them. You work a normal office job at a Sales company, not great, but not bad either. Only a few monsters are allowed to work for the company, so you don't see them unless you go looking. [b]Monster[/b] You just came out of the underground five years ago! Has it been that long already? A long time ago there was a war against the humans that the monsters lost. These monsters were then sealed underground and forgotten about. After a miraculous human child went and broke the barrier keeping all of you down there, you finally get to go back to the surface. You have either come from way back in the Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, or Hotland. Your people are ruled by a great king named Asgore and he has asked all of you to spread out to become familiar with the humans. You have taken home in the city of Lecompton, where everyone is wary of monsters and you get prejudice against you everyday. You work at a Sales company with a blue collar job, enough money for you by yourself, but not anyone else. Sometimes you miss back underground, but that's only because you were together with such amazing monsters. [/hider] [u]Jobs you can have:[/u] [i]First come, first served![/i] [b]-Humans[/b] Boss: [i]reserved by Fabricant451[/i] Secretary: [i]reserved by Ambrosia[/i] Lawyer: [i]reserved by Devo[/i] Salesperson 1: [i]reserved by Gravicity Tron[/i] Salesperson 2: AimeChambers [b]-Monsters[/b] Gopher: -open- Nightguard: -open- Janitor 1: -open- Janitor 2: -open- [hider=Definitive Rules] [b]Rules for Roleplayers[/b] -All Role Player Guild rules apply -GM has the final say -Don't go fighting in OOC -No God modding -No Metagaming [b]Rules for Characters[/b] -Character choice may be reserved for one day -Unless specifically asked to by me, you may only have one character. [i]This does not include NPCs[/i] -All characters must be accepted by me -First come, first served -Unless I have said it is optional, please fill out your character sheet to your fullest ability. -If your monster's power is too strong, you will need to change it -If I believe you are copying a power from the franchise, I may ask you to change it -Please change everything I ask you to accordingly. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] [i]First and last[/i] [b]Race:[/b] [i]Human or monster[/i] [b]Role:[/b] [i]job[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]They can be nonbinary[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]They must be 23 or older[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]detailed description, picture [/i]also [i]required[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]both how they act normally or at work if those two are different. [/i] [b]Likes:[/b] [i]three[/i] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [i]three[/i] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [i]Whatever floats your boat[/i] [b]bio:[/b] [i]Include at least a paragraph![/i] [b]Extra:[/b] [i]Anything to note[/i] -Blank [b]Name: Role: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Sexuality: bio: Extra:[/b] [/hider]