[@Eagenitheflamingkprince] [@Iatos] [@Devo] [@ianzerep] [@Lunarlors34] [@RiverMaiden] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Xiphias[/color][/h1][/center] Xiphias' ears twitched as she watched the fight unfold. They were like her.. with human forms instead of Pokemon ones. The air was thick with the scent of poison... as the pokemon like her faced off against the Grimer. Her ears twitched as she watched the battle for a few more moments before jumping in. She wanted to ask these others if they knew why they'd been turned into human-things. If they knew anything.... She darted towards the cloud of poisonous gas, taking a deep breath and holding it as she sprinted into the poison. She could feel it burning her skin as she charged towards the Muk. Panic hit her as she realized, she couldn't remember how to fight. The Muk sloshed towards her slowly, a smile spreading across its face. Xiphias felt her lungs screaming for air and had no choice but to release her held breath, feeling the burning sensation of the poison against her throat. As she took some damage, Xiphias' ice blue eyes seemed to glow. A fury rose from deep within Xiphias and a wave of darkness exploded from her body in all directions, even washing towards the others who looked sort of like herself.