[@ianzerep][@Draconequis] The blond Gijinka had been spectating the fight, mainly focusing on the actual combatants in the Houndoom and Froakie-like beings. Watching the two groups sling about elemental attacks made even more new information spring up into her head. Mud Slap. Sludge. Poison Gas. Bubble. Ember. Harden. Sludge Wave. The words formed within her mind as each move was used, the young teen not understanding how she even know what those words meant. As she pondered this conundrum, her ears picked up the sound of running coming from her right, and the source was coming towards her! Meloi froze in surprise, unable to move in fear of the entity that approached her. But, as the figure came into view, the Ampharos Gijinka calmed down near instantly, looking at the being with apprehension. Wasn't this one involved in the conflict as well? Surveying through her memories, she was surprised to find that his absence was actually near the beginning of the fight, after a quick maneuver that saved the blue girl from being hit with a Sludge. The Shellos-like boy held himself up from his knees, heaving from exhaustion. The blond took this chance to see the finer details on his person, such as the comfortable material his clothing was made of, said clothing's cute design, and the strange opal that was embedded into the boy's headband. Then, the green boy looked up at her with a radiant smile, and the teen almost let out a squeal of cuteness overload. He just looked too cute, with his childish face, body and clothing all molding his persona into a adorable little boy. The cute little Shellos asked her for help in aiding his friends, but she shook her head. No matter how cute he was, the blond wasn't going to risk her life for some people she didn't know. Plus, what was she even going to do? [b]Flatter[/b] them? She paused for a moment, new information dumping itself into her cranium as she thought of the word "flatter". Huh, so it actually WOULD do something if she tried... Still, she won't- Then the boy took her hand in his, and pulled her into a hug, shattering her personal space as well as her defense. Awwww... this boy was really too cute, trying so desperately to help his friends. She guess she could, might as well try to learn more about those who were similar to her. Unlatching the boy's hands from her back, the blond nodded to the Shellos gijinka, pulling him along as she head towards the battle ground. Suddenly, a pulse of pure darkness exploded from the field, flying in all directions, including the now allied duo. Night Daze, her mind shouted from within, advising her to dodge the move, as it could cause serious damage. However, she instinctively covered the little boy behind her, who was unable to see nor react to the move. Meloi cried out in pain as the most powerful Dark-type move smashed into her back, falling to the forest floor with the boy within her arms. She was barely conscious when she hit the ground.