[Center][h3][color=aba000]First Act: Retrieval[/color][/h3][/center] The doors opened to the Head master's office, and a woman with jaded eyes walked through the opening, her bob-cut, greying, mocha hair moved with her head as she surveyed the office. It was quite a crowded place, with both side walls covered by large bookshelves that were filled to the brim, the floor littered with inventions of all sizes that lay ontop of a beautiful fur carpet. The only open area was a straight line to her boss' work desk, where her blond haired boss was scratching his head in irritation. Two large piles of paper were lain infront of him, one pile larger than the other, the larger pile was void of any signage from the man. The Headmaster notices the woman's arrival, gaining a small smile and placing his pen down onto the desk. "Hello Aurelia, are the preparations complete?" The dirty blond man asked his subordinate, welcoming the short break. The older woman nodded her head, gaining her own small smile at the thought of what was to come. Today, the students of the Academy were being retrieved for their studies. Even though this was the third time she's been through this routine, it still brought a sort of warmth into the unoffical Invoker's heart. She knew at least two of the faculty who passionately await this time of year, barely being able to stay still during their breaks. Aurelia notices the larger pile of papers, and raises an eyebrow at her boss. [Color=steelblue]"Have you been slacking again, sir?"[/color] the jaded woman questioned the man, who quickly raised his hands and shook his head violently. "No, no, no! I've been working, I swear!" The Headmaster replied frantically. "It's just been a hard day. Reopening the Academy isn't a smooth affair, you know." It really wasn't. There were supplies to be restocked, payments to be made, and repairs to be paid for because of a certain teacher's way of teaching, and the Headmaster had to approve all of it through paperwork. Aurelia acquiesced the reply, and placed a key onto her boss' desk. [Color=steelblue]"When you finish, it's the fifth drawer from the left,"[/color]was all the woman said, but from the look on the blond man's face she could have been speaking of the Holy Grail. The aging woman shoom her head, walking away from her boss and towards the door. As much as she respected the man, he could be as childish as Hana sometimes, with his obsession over sweets being his driving force for working. How in the world did he even create this Academy with such a mind set? Before she could leave, however, the Headmaster asked the woman his own question. "How is our guest doing? Has she acclimated to her new living arrangements?" Aurelia turns to reply, but nearly trips on one of the items lying on the floor. There goes her good mood. Fuming, she resumes her departure from the office, giving a reply as she goes through the doors. [Color=steelblue]"She us fine. Meliona is going to her for a 'feeding' session," [/color]the older woman throws over her shoulder, closing the doors with a short [color=steelblue]"Goodbye."[/color] The guest in question was a young Vampire who suffered from a very strange condition. At the moment in time, the girl lived within one of the Dorm's rooms, 'feeding' on the Kitsune teacher's life force when she needed it. [Center]----------------------[/center] Hana stretched her arms, sitting in the front passenger seat within "The Blight", Hephaestus on her left within the pilot seat. They had been flying for about an hour now, landing to pick up the first batch of students and later headed towards the edge of Noir to retrieve two students on the list, the Lightwood duo. [Color=pink]"Aren't you excited? This is the third year you'll be teaching at the Academy! We'll need to throw a party for you! Oh, and one for Mel-Mel too, since it's her second year! Maybe Auris too, since..,"[/color] the veteran Void user blocked out the Chaos Theory teacher's chatter, trying to focus on landing within the farmlands of Polaris safely to pick up the first students. This was why he didn't want anyone on the ship with him, because they get bored and want to chat, and chat, and chat. He had told the Headmaster he would have been fine on his own this year, but the blond insisted on bringing Hana. Hephaestus leaned back into his own chair, lazily holding the steering wheel with a single hand. They would arrive in a few minutes, and hopefully the two students would be all ready and packed. [Color=pink]"... And we could have streamers, and cakes, and even a smoke machine! Hey, Heffy. Do you like sprinkles on your cake or-"[/color] The armored adult groaned, rubbing his temple with his free hand. This was going to be a long few minutes...