Jacob lay against a apple tree that sat in front of his and Arya's home, eyes partly closed. It seemed almost as if he was asleep, but he wasn't. He was meditating, trying to relax after a particularly nasty dream he had had the night before. Behind him was the house he and his sister rented from one of their neighbors. The house itself wasn't particularly large, just a one story building with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, living room, and kitchen, with a basement they used to store their books. It was located in a suburban area on the edge of a medium sized city. It reminded him a lot of their old home, before the Dreads had taken it from them. He shook his head and muttered "No, stop it! That was a long time ago." to himself, trying to push back the flashbacks that were threatening to come. While this happened, his leg twinged slightly. Then a greater pain erupted from the top of his head as an apple landed squarely on it. He looked up to see his sister, Arya, grinning mischievously. "You gonna sit there muttering to yourself forever? Or are you going to get up and get ready to head off to school?" She asked him, picking a second apple from the tree and taking a bite from it. Rubbing the bump on his head ruefully, he grumbled "I'm already all packed up. Didn't you see the bags in the living room?" He stood up and stretched, having been laying there for a good hour. "Yeah I saw. Plenty of books. But you seem to missing clothing. Unless you are planning on borrowing from me? I packed plenty of extra clothing." She replied, the grin still on her face as she took another bite. Jacob's face reddened and he ran back inside the house. When her brother left, her smile loosened and she sighed. "As forgetful as ever." She mumbled, looking up at the sky.