To Meliona, the Dorms were a sacred place. A fox hole was always private, only for the lone reynards and vixen that lived in them, or for one's skulk. She truly didn't understand why humans were so... Lax when it came to the living arrangements of their kits. It just baffled her. That's why, as she reached the door of the Academy's guest, she hesitated from knocking. Foxes shouldn't be in other's dens unless they are stealing food, and she wasn't hear to steal anything from the young vampire within. A Spirit passed by her, it's cold touch reminding her of why she was here: to help the young one inside survive. To feed her like she was one of her own kits. Taking a deep breath, Meliona finally knocks tentatively on the door. [color=f7976a]"Hello? Are you awake?"[/color] the Kitsune teacher called out to the girl inside, hoping to get the vampire's attention before she listened to her instincts and backed away. [color=f7976a]"It's me, I'm here for your daily feeding."[/color] The teacher patiently waited at the door, hoping the young teen would come out soon. [@Maria 127]