[centre][b]First Blow - - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1215/posts/ooc?page=4#post-36681]Thailen Vicarris[/url][/b][/centre] --- Thailen grimaced as Alex's shot finished off the undead she had partially beheaded. Bits of skin and blood splattered across her face, which she quickly wiped away. Planting her foot on the undead's torso, she wrenched her sword free and looked towards the remaining three foes. To her surprise, they simply laid back down. Perhaps the lich controlling them had been distracted elsewhere, or perhaps it was an attempt to lure her and her companions in. Noticing the Liveria crest upon their uniforms, she gave a silent curse and turned towards the hilltop. Thailen didn't know how many men Vesper had brought with her, but five was a sizable amount to lose in any case. It was clear that things were not going well for the fellow Liverian. She looked back towards her companions, resting her sword on her shoulder. "Don't bother with those ones," she said, motioning towards the prone undead. "They're too slow to be dangerous unless you get close." She absently looked towards the remnants of the dead soldier at her feet. "So don't get close, and let's keep moving." With that, she turned back towards the hill and began to jog up the slope. She didn't know how many more undead hid within the fog around them, but she did know that it would be better to face them alongside whatever remained of the Liveria witchhunters. The dead weren't the only ones who could find strength in numbers, and definitely weren't the strongest when doing so. And from the hill, they would have the height advantage, with Maher and Alex able to harrass any undead who attempt to climb the slope.