As the Lightwood'a house came into sight, Hana finally stopped talking about anniversary parties and instead evaluated the two specs on the ground that seemed to be human shape. The female teacher's blue rims that held the lens of the glasses in place started to glow, several miniature sized Glyphs carved into the vision aids being powered by the woman's Aeon. [Color=pink]"Huh, I don't think I remember having those two in my classes,"[/color] Hana remarked, seeing the two students with very high quality even at the dramatically far distance and high height. The pilot looked at the white haired teacher with a raised eyebrow, as if he couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth. [Color=purple]"Are you the Existence teacher here?"[/color] Hephaestus asked rhetorically, mentally rolling his eyes at his fellow teacher's shenanigans. [Color=pink]"Of course not silly! Gill is the one that teaches Existence, not me!"[/color] [Color=purple]"Then shut up."[/color] Seeing the end of the conversation, the Void user starts the airship's descent, several Glyphs on the airship's small wings losing their glow, while others on the prow that were once dark gained their own glow. Hana pouts at the other teacher, feeling quite cheated out of the short conversation she was able to gain from the cool-as-a-cucumber male. The Blight lowers itself in front of the two students, still hovering slightly above the ground. Hephaestus pulls a few levers, and the side door opens automatically, a metal ramp unfilding itself from the metal vehicle and digging into the ground, allowing an easy boarding. Hana gets out of her seat, wiping the disappointment from her face and replacing it with a wide smile as she walks over to the new opening in the airship. Coming in sight of the duo that stood within the field, the female teacher clears her throat. [Color=Pink]"Hello, and welcome to "The Blight", Heffy's airship! Don't mess with anything, or he might try to blow you to bits!"[/color] the albino greeted quite happily, almost giggling the groan that came from the cockpit. [Color=pink]I'm Ms. Juniper, the Chaos Theory and Creation Control teacher! I hope we get to learn more about each other this year![/color] Hana finishes her introduction with a flourished bow, and moves to the side so that the students may board the airship. [@Aragorn] [Center]----------------------[/center] Meliona looked questioningly at the young vampire as she let go of the teacher's hand. She had barely been holding it for 3 seconds, wasn't she still hungry? Then the two-tone haired girl reached for one of her Spirits, and the kitsune's eyes widened slightly. What in the world? She wasn't even influencing the Spirit into visibility? How was- Then the brunette noticed the young vampire's eyes, and understood. The girl's eyes, once red in color, became a light, ethereal blue, the same color that Meliona's became when she used her Aeon. The girl must have gained a sort of control over Spirits through her life force. Intriguing, but sadly unusable, as the blue bled out and became a bloody red once more. The effects must have been temporary, since the girl's own Aeon had converted the invading life force to suit her body. Reaching for the young vampire's hand again, Meliona advised her with a few words. [color=f7976a]"Steady now, young Kit, we aren't done feeding you yet. You need more if you want to grow big and strong"[/color] the teacher said with a small smile, hoping the vampire wouldn't shy away. Wasn't she supposed to be the shy teacher within the school? [@Maria 127]