A diminutive figure moved out of the carriage. Galawayn's wanderings had seen him enlist with a dwarven caravan. The trip up until now had made him quite regret the decision. He had always dismissed stories about the boorishness of dwarves up until now. Apparantly, the men of the mountain really didn't put much value on proper ettiquette and manners... or at least the wandering vagrants of this caravan didn't. Still, the pay was good and the food was passable, and the ladies that travelled alongside were quite easily wowed even by simple arcane cantrips. He climbed out, thankful that his small size wasn't a problem due to the carriage being sized for dwarves, which weren't that much larger than gnomes. He wondered what asinine errand Dyllon had for him and his fellow adventurers. He silently hoped it might be something worthy of his magical skills, but his inner realist told him it would probably just be something a crippled peasant could have done.