[color=0072bc]"This is where we bid farewell again brother. Take care."[/color] Ulrich's voice ringed through the almost empty room. It was their meeting room, a single velvet colored couch was pushed against the wall and a painting of the sunset rested above it. A table was placed in the middle of the room, near the couch, while five spare chairs were pushed against the side. Ulrich, Lillian and their brother, Caesar, were the only ones there. The two had their things packed up, there weren't much really, and they were only awaiting the arrival "The Blight" to their home before they depart for the Academy once more. [color=00746b]"Indeed it is. I wish the both of you good luck. I will watch over our parents while you guys are gone."[/color] Caesar promised and the two shared a laugh while Lillian only showed a ghost of a smile. They then shared a hug before the eldest waved his hand, bidding farewell to the two, before disappearing through the door. [color=00aeef]"And there goes our brother."[/color] Lillian muttered before taking her things and then heading outside, to wait for "The Blight" to arrive. This was her third year into the Academy so he was quite used to seeing the battleship fly over their house. She didn't need to say anything to Ulrich as he, himself, was entering his second year so she didn't need to speak of any warnings. [color=00aeef]"And here comes another year in the Academy."[/color] She continued. [color=0072bc]"Yeah."[/color] Ulrich said in response though he knew that his sister wasn't talking to him in particular, or anyone for that matter, but he just decided to do it. He was practically bouncing with excitement. Another year at the glorious academy itself. Oooh, he was so excited to see the teachers again. Especially Ms. Hana, the local prodigy! She was really nice and really hands on when it came to teaching so he learned a lot from her. Another year with her is something he doesn't mind himself. And the Headmaster too! The only elective teacher that he shared with his sister. He couldn't wait until he could swing his saber around again. With that thought, his hands went immediately to his saber that was sheathed at his side. Well, more or less, both were actually quite happy to get back into the academy. Their house was boring except for the now rare occasions where they would play with each other with Caesar who was now learning more about taking over their father's place which meant politics, something the two doesn't want to learn.