Jacob could feel his sister's worry for him, and cursed himself for it. [i]"This is not the time for me to be stewing in a pit of my own despair. She's managed to move forward, so I should too!"[/i] He thought to himself as he looked at his sister, who was now currently chatting to the few other students who had been picked up before them. Not for the first time, he wished he could be as outgoing as Arya was, but he also knew it couldn't happen. So instead, he tried to focus on something else. He remembered how Mr. Sin had nearly sliced Ms. Hana's throat, just for calling him Heffy. He grimaced. He had hated the man as soon as he saw his aura last year, which he could still remember being dark and hateful. More, he didn't trust the teacher either, and wasn't entirely convinced he would put the lives of his students before his. Arya on the other hand didn't seem overly concerned about it. She had seen the tendril nearly take the teacher's life and had experienced a brief flash of anger, before she shoved it down. She knew the man's power, and had seen what it could do to other beings, her brother being one of them. And she knew, as she was now, she didn't stand a chance against that power. So Arya didn't let it bother her overly much. She motioned to Jacob, saying "Brother! Come and join us you introvert!" Jacob got up, looking visibly less stressed than he did before, and moved to sit next to his sister. "I just came up with the greatest idea!" She announced to him, looking pleased with herself.