[center][h3][color=Green]Twillelix 'Twix'[/color][/h3][/center] He was glad that his clumsiness at least helped somewhat, having no clue that the root were any special before she said so. As she told him that they needed more he nodded yet felt quite satisfied for not being totally useless. He was honestly glad they had found any berries at all, and when she gave him the Oran berry they had found to eat he gladly accepted it. He wasn't s sure it would instantly heal him or anything, but it would at least help him restore lost energy and it was not like he could remember eating anything recently either... he might as well eat while he had the chance. As they looked around however he realized time were passing quite quickly and he knew that they needed to return soon enough if they was to help their friends. Seeing Elvina find some stuff he looked to her "Come on, we should get back and see if the others need our help... should grab any poison curing berry you can and then hurry" he said as he got up, he staggered a bit as his leg were sore, frowning slightly he bit down on the Oran berry and then picked up a apple on the way back, again waiting to support Elvina if she needed it even if his own ankle hurt. [hr] The Battle were running on, and soon as more moves were exchanged and a Zoroark Gijinka joined the fray, The three grimers where soon knocked out. At this point the Muk realized that the battle were no longer favorable, and thus called the retreat before they got injured further. Escaping quickly back into the house the Gijinkas could claim their victory. Battle Result: Enemy Looses the will to continue the battle and flees back to whence they came. [@Lunarlors34] Pyro Poisoned?: [@Draconequis] Xiphias Poisoned. [@RiverMaiden] Mel-knocked out.