[h1][center] Plot [/center][/h1] [Center][img]http://nineworldsonline.weebly.com/uploads/8/7/3/9/8739332/1315164287.jpg[/img][/center] All legends hold seeds of the truth. The Gods of the Ancient World lived, and they still do. They fought their wars and play their games of politics. They found love and hatred. Pantheons rose and fell. Demi-gods contained the powers of their parents to a degree. Dragons, demons and such existed. The year is 116 AD, and the Roman Empire is at the height of their power. The Olympian pantheon reigns supreme with their Roman worshipers. The other pantheons fight to keep their power and worshipers. [h1][center] About the RolePlay [/center][/h1] In this Rp I mean to explore the ancient world and politics of the Gods as they vie for power and domination or perhaps to simply protect what is theirs. Very Slice-of-Life in ancient times with a good mix of fantasy. You can play any God, or a DemiGod. Heck, you can even play a human or a demon. And you could possibly destroy the world, but I don't think anyone here wants to rule over nothing. [h1][center] Rules [/center][/h1] -Respect GMs! -Proper grammar and spelling! -Please be civilized! -Two to three Paragraphs. Going for high casual here. -More to Come... [h1][center] Pantheons [/center][/h1] [hider=Current Gods And Demi] Greek: Zeus/Jupiter: OPEN (Needed) Poseidon/Neptune: OPEN (Needed) Hades/Pluto: Queenize Hera/Juno:OPEN Demeter/Ceres: OPEN Athena/Minerva: OPEN Apollo/Apollo: OPEN Artemis/Diana: OPEN Aphrodite/Venus: Queenize Ares/Mars: OPEN Hephaestus/Vulcan: OPEN Hermes/Mercury: Lucian Hestia/Vesta: OPEN Dionysus/Bacchus: OPEN Miles, Demigod: Karos Celtic: Morrigahn: LadyRunic Dagda: OPEN (Needed) Gaulish: Tyr/Woden: OPEN (Needed) Norse: Loki: OPEN(?) Odin: OPEN (Needed) Egyptian: Set: OPEN (Needed) Osiris: OPEN (Needed) Ra: OPEN (Needed) Horus: OPEN Thoth:TheGreyDust Bes'eshe Sethokpara, Demigod: LadyRunic Qelhatat Apophka, Demigod: Rune_Alchemist Sumerian: Shamash-Utu: Unoedipal [/hider] [h1][center] Godly Powers [/center][/h1] Gods share some similar powers beside their specialized powers, for example Apollo's Sun and Artemis's Moon. All Gods can Teleport, Manifest basic items, summon items in hand, have a general sense of omniscience over mortals though not other gods or Demi-gods, they also have telekinesis on varying levels, and can throw Godly Bolts of power and create brief shield. Demi Gods can only use the specialized powers, a very weak sense of omnisceince more like gleaning a feeling of weak minded people. They can only manifest items by their specialized medium. [h1][center] Characters [/center][/h1] [h2] Your Name Here [/h2] Full Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Race: Pantheon: Weapon(s): Powers: Appearance: Image: (Optional) Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: Quirks: Fears: Ambition: Personality: Father: Mother: Siblings: Pets: History: [h2] Relationships [/h2] -Please keep updated-