[b]CLOSED: FOUND MY PARTNER. Feel free to read, however. I'd be interested in whether or not you like it.[/b] [I]I am not a super hero...[/i] [I]I am not even a regular hero![/i] [I]I am just a person ... a bystander.[/i] Lana Reed repeated variations of those statements mantra-like as she watched the events before her unfold. The four masked gunmen had burst into the bank and employed the very successful [i]shock and awe[/i] method to take total control of the institution in under 30 seconds. The customers and staff were face down on the cold floor under threat of brutal consequences should they resist. The leader (who would be called Chief by one of his cohorts and, later, the police) reminded the hostages, "[I]It's NOT your money! And it's insured by your wonderful Federal Government. Don't get yourself killed for no reason."[/i] The two crooks (who the authorities would call [I]Blondie[/i] and [i]Scar[/i] until positive IDs were made) immediately began cleaning out the tellers' drawers. Chief and a big guy (who the cops would call the [i]Brawny[/I] one) held down the fort. Blondie and Scar finished the tills and headed for the vault. Chief leaped up on top of the counter for a better view. He was continuing to scare those on the floor with a promise of violence when he caught sight of the impending stupidity that Brawny was up to. The biggest of the crooks was using the barrel of his rifle to lift the short skirt of a young, shapely customer. His lips spread wide at the view of her tight, full buttocks, well displayed by the thong barely apparent from her backside. Chief showed his angered dismay, "[I]What the fuck are ya doin?[/i]" Brawny leaned down and patted one of the woman's firm butt cheeks. He ignored his boss's continuing chastising and asked, "Do you [i]see[/i] this ass, Chief? Unbelievable!" He ignored the customer's fearful sobs as he groped a handful of ass. He asked, "Feel good, baby? It's why you dress this way, right? So a real man'll take notice." Chief continued to order his underling to pay attention but to no avail. Brawny lifted the now crying woman to her feet by a harshly clutched elbow. He directed her to a nearby desk and (with a shove) bent her over it. He again groped her ass (talking dirty to her) as he slung his rifle over his shoulder. As he began undoing his belt, his intentions quickly became obvious. Chief walked over the top of the front counter to get closer to the wayward bank robber. "[i]What the fuck are you doing? We're robbing a bank![/i]" Brawny only continued to ignore his boss, knowing that the man couldn't take his eyes, attention, and gun off the other hostages to stop him. As he whipped out his smaller (but just as scary) [i]gun[/i] and ripped the now pleading woman's thong down off her buttocks, Brawny reassured Chief, "Don't worry, it's been a while, so this won't take long." As the woman struggled to get away, Brawny used his strength and position to easily hold her down. He reassured her, "[i]Relax[/i], baby! You're gonna love this. It's just what you've been looking for." Lana had successfully continued her mantra to this point. She'd thought the impending rape would be halted before it began. That obviously wasn't going to happen. She took the two steps necessary to reach Brawny, reached an arm up across her chest, then brought it down in a sweeping motion. Her [i]sharp[/i] elbow slammed down on Brawny's spine at the small of his back. Despite the man [i]easily[/i] being twice her weight, half a foot taller, and built like a brick shit house, Lana easily severed the wannabe rapist's spinal cord. Chief's eyes and mouth fell open in shock. He hadn't noticed Lana until the moment she rendered his cohort irrelevant. He watched as the big man slipped away from the sobbing woman to fall to the floor like a giant bag of potatoes. Chief swung his weapon and leveled it at Lana, hollering, "[i]Down, bitch! On the--[/i]" Before he could finish, Lana dove behind a half high sectioning wall. He lost sight of Lana as he continued to holler at her. Chief leaped down from the counter, hollering to his men, "[i]Get out here! Now![/i]" He hurried to a spot where he should have been able to see Lana. But she was no where to be seen. He carefully moved about the desks, sweeping his shotgun as he searched. Still, no sign of the woman. Then just as suddenly she'd was there before him. Before Chief could react, Lana slammed something into his forehead. His knees gave out and he fell to the ground in a thud. (Later, the cops would find part a portion of the [i]Employee of the Month[/i] statuette's engraved praise imprinted into the skin of his forehead like some kind of brand.) Gunfire erupted as Blondie, then Scar, emerged from the vault and realized their leader was under attack. They, too, lost sight of Lana as she ducked behind the wall. And they, too, would each find themselves being attacked by the woman who they had lost sight of until it was too late. [B]CLOSED. I FOUND A PARTNER. THANKS.[/B]