Interested! I got a little bit ahead of myself and made a character... I hope we're allowed to make characters from different regions' mythology, not only from Roman mythology. [hider=Romeo, demigod, son of Loki] Full Name Romeo Nickname None Age 19 Gender Male Race Demigod Pantheon Norse Weapon Wields a silver rapier with a red handle Powers Romeo is capable of manipulating the emotions of others. He's also quite adept with certain forms of magic, such as pyromancy. Appearance Romeo has bright red hair. It's kept incredibly long and almost always worn in a braid. His hair is thick, but it always tends to be straight and never curls naturally. However, various strands tend to stick out no matter how much he brushes it. He has bright, inquisitive green eyes, with catlike pupils. His eyes are sharp around the edges, but often gleam with mischievousness. He has dimples whenever he smiles. His lips are rather thin as well as being pale, but they don't get chapped often. He also has a pale complexion, that's relatively healthy. He does have a scar on top of his right hand, one long scar close to the small of his back. But there's one that stretched horizontally across his lower stomach. Romeo doesn't tan easily, and will most likely get a sunburn if in sunlight for too long. He has a sharp, with a sharply curved nose. Likes Spicy food, taking warm baths, sleeping late, sparring, playing pranks on others, cats, eating cupcakes, thunderstorms, weekends, not having any work to do, painting his nails, gossiping, drawing, painting, florist shops, the smell of the outside after it's rained, wearing over-sized shirts and sweaters, drinking coffee, French Onion Soup, rich foods, strawberry wine, the color red, when it snows out, wintertime, the holiday season, having time to himself, pestering Rollo, nighttime Dislikes Deadlines, being forced to wake up early, eating sweets, summertime, hot weather, when dogs slobber all over him, thin and watery soups, being nagged to work, most types of tea, whenever he buys the wrong size clothes and has to return them, too much responsibility, the color green, droughts, dry weather, deserts, mornings, Mondays, being bored, misplacing any of his belongings, mud, whenever he's forced to wait for something for too long Strengths Romeo is capable of being an incredible fighter. He has quick reflexes and is very magically powerful, alongside being lithe and agile. Due to how quickly he moves and how tuned his reflexes are, he's often one step ahead of any opponent. He's more calculative than most individuals give him credit for. However, he's incredibly skilled with pyromancy. His magical fire abilities are second only to Edelweiss, and he's also very handy with his rapier. Quirks Hates it when anyone tracks mud onto the floors. Fears Either one of his siblings dying. He fears losing them more than anything, even if he really doesn't say it aloud. He's willing to brave through anything else, but losing one of them is absolutely out of the question. Their mother is dead and their father only really bothers with Edelweiss sometimes, so it's natural for him to be protective over his siblings. Ambition Truthfully, Romeo wants to become the strongest out of his siblings. As of now, Edelweiss is believed to be the most powerful out of the three of them, and it irks him that he's only regarded as a cheater and an irresponsible person. He wants to be seen as someone very vital to the Norse pantheon's cause, and he hates being disregarded. Personality The irresponsible and mischievous third triplet of the Loki siblings. His brother is Rollo and his sister is Edelweiss. Since he's the youngest, he knows himself to be of little importance and mostly goofs off. Romeo dislikes responsibilities and often runs away from any sort of work. He always wants to be amused and dislikes any task that he deems to be boring. He's also kind of cruel, at times using others for his own purposes. He's witty and can be manipulative, sometimes tricking others into doing work for him. He's a good liar, who lies whenever it'll benefit him. He tends to play with others' emotions for his own amusement. He can tend to be disrespectful to those who try and boss him around. Despite his childish and optimistic demeanor, he's very fickle. Romeo is incredibly intellectual. By most people's standards, he'd be an absolute genius. Most tend to underestimate him due to how carefree and positive he acts. Romeo is more intuitive than anyone else really gives him credit for. He can tend to predict the next actions of others. He's also incredibly thick-skinned and he doesn't get offended easily. He's patient, however. He knows how to wait for his plans to unravel. He's also someone with a good sense of judgment. He always listens to all sides of a story before making any decisions. Father Loki Mother Alvilda Karstenen Siblings Edelweiss, Rollo Pets None History Romeo's mother was a human, and his father was the god of mischief, Loki. His mother was visited by Loki very often before she became pregnant. She was not married yet, causing her parents to become absolutely furious with her. She was kicked out of her home. He, alongside his two siblings, were born as triplets on a snowy Friday afternoon in an orphanage that had been kind enough to take their mother in for the time being. For the most part, they spent most of their early childhood with their mother. They weren't really educated, and didn't have a stable lifestyle. Their motherwasn't able to support them without a husband. Her parents were gone from her life, and she had no siblings. So, she married a rich noble when they turned about four. This man was a terrible and cruel abuser. He abused the three siblings very much. He had disliked the idea of his wife already having three children from another man. Although he treated all of the siblings in a cruel manner, Edelweiss usually took the brunt of it for her siblings. Whenever Romeo spoke out, she would take any punishment he was given for him. This horrified Romeo, watching his sister get beaten so often. Eventually, he learned to quiet down for her sake. Their mother wasn't spared from the cruel treatment either. As months passed, Edelweiss became more unstable and visually sicker. Romeo soon learned that Edelweiss believed that their father, who she had been told about by their mother, would come to save them. Over the years, Romeo watched as Edelweiss grew more tormented and obsessed with the thought of their true father. Her beliefs escalated to the point where she began to worship Loki's image. The three siblings always stuck very close together. Still, Edelweiss sheltered them from whatever was thrown towards them. It was also often that Romeo would steal extra food from the kitchen for her, knowing the risk that there was. Until one day, it actually happened. Their mother was killed by their adoptive father after she confronted him. And from the Norse Pantheon, Loki arrived. He descended in a plume of fire a couple of days after the incident. For years, the god had not been aware of his former lover's location. Immediately, he killed her abuser, and took Romeo, Edelweiss and Rollo in. They were brought to the Pantheon and immediately treated for their wounds. But the memories of the abuse would last for a lifetime, Romeo became infuriated with Edelweiss after she asked Loki to train her to become more powerful. He truthfully couldn't stand the thought of his sister putting herself in harm's way. But he also couldn't stand the thought of her spending too much time with their father, Loki, after the many years that he had been absent from their lives. The two of them had a fierce argument, which ended with Edelweiss angrily leaving the room. He stuck to Rollo like glue for awhile after that, before he too asked to be trained alongside Edelweiss, with Rollo coming right after them. The three siblings were also thoroughly educated. Although Romeo obviously lacked an interest in learning too much, with the exception of how to fight and partake in battles. Years passed, and the three siblings eventually grew to become important figures within the Norse Pantheon. [/hider]