As soon as Jethro heard the word "scouting" his ears perked up. Scouting was as close a second to tracking as there ever was. He just needed to get his pent up energy out. So the dwarf could have asked him to do his laundry and Jethro would have happily done it. Stepping forward he saluted and nodded. "Anything we should have eyes out for? Anything particular around these parts giving trouble?" Asked the Dwelf trying to form a serious face around his eager smile. After receiving his answer Jethro turned to the rest of the group. "I'll be ahead a bit in the bush." Said the Dwelf before they made way up the trail. Once ahead a bit Jethro slips into the foilage following the trail and keeps eye and ear out for anything out of the ordinary. (I believe that calls for a stealth roll and perception roll)