[quote=@Bigg Slamm]"Anything we should have eyes out for? Anything particular around these parts giving trouble?" [/quote] Dyllon quite happily turned towards Jethro. "Sometimes there be 'local' bandits fussin' about waitin' for easy loot and kill, or bears that could be in the way. I'd like you to either move them away or discreetly 'remove' them. Me could deal with the bear meself, but bandits are different-- More muscle the better." He looks around the shrubs and bushes for any males trying to creep up on the women, (13 Dyllon, 1 Male) "OI! YOU THERE! THE FUCK YOU DOIN'?" He threw a rock pebble (18) towards the male at which pinpointed his skull above, stunning him. He stomped over to the male and dragged him across the ground (12) quiet competently. "Ye be sneakin' for the lasses eh? Ballsy move on me ye bastard." He grips his wrist to keep him from running away. "No food for ye me afraid. That's what ye get for pervin'."