(OOC: Saw the changes. I like them.) After she'd dropped the one they would call Scar (who now had new ones, too), Lana didn't turn to look at any of the hostages. With any luck, the others (who were supposed to be staring at the floor) wouldn't have seen enough of her to identify her to the authorities, who inevitably were going to arrive. She'd headed for the exit, only to see the impassable lock holding the two doors tightly together. She only mumbled, "Well, fuck." Still not showing her face to the others, Lana looked about her for a place to hide. She'd only recently learned that although she could hide from people by simply holding perfectly still, her image still showed up on recording devices. She had to find a place to [i]chill[/i] until the cops got the door open. Then, she could slip out with the others and make a break for it. Spotting a hall that led back to the bathrooms and other doors, she kept her head turned toward the bank's front and moved that way. There was a little alcove with a water fountain in it. That was where she was hiding when the cops arrived. There was no breach, per se. Lana couldn't see what was happening out in the lobby, but what happened was fairly calm. One of the bank employees had witnessed Chief pocket the key for the lock. He simply retrieved it, opened the door, and let the cops in. By that point, others inside the bank had used tape and extension cords to truss up the wanna-be thieves. Once the hostages (short term as they were such) were being escorted out of the bank, Lana simply melted in with them. Once gathered outside for statements, she simply stepped back and sat on the bumper of a vehicle. As the others were being interviewed, she was simply ignored, like a fly on the wall. She stood at one point when no eyes seemed to be on her and moved a bit farther away. Then again. Then again. And, finally, turned and walked into the thickening crowd of onlookers. She'd gotten away. The problem now was that her face was all over the security footage. And Lana Reed wasn't exactly unknown.