"Roberts!" Greg turned to find his partner waving him to the bank's entrance, where witnesses were being interviewed. When he arrived, Lee asked an elderly lady there, "Repeat what you just told me, ma'am ... please." "I saw that lady beat those guys up," she said with hesitation. "She's not in trouble, is she? I mean, she saved our lives. Stopped the robbery." "No, she's not in trouble," Greg answered, unsure of whether or not he was responding truthfully or not. "What more can you tell me?" "It's ... well ... it sounds silly, but..." "Go ahead, ma'am," Greg said, giving her a comforting pat on the arm. "Nothing is silly to us. Go ahead." "Well ... it was ... [i]weird[/i]. I peeked up after she hit that big guy ... you know, the one that was raping that poor little girl. I looked away at that brute as he fell to the floor ... then looked back ... and she was [i]gone![/i] Almost like she disappeared. I looked up and saw that other guy coming ... the boss, I think ... and ... oh, God, suddenly ... she was [i]there[/i] again ... hitting him in the face with a trophy." The three of them chatted some more, but the woman had nothing more to add, blaming it on her need for new eye glasses. Then, she pointed out beyond the bank's exit and said, "You know, she's right out there ... at the ambulance ... if you want to ask her." Greg's eyes widened as he stood quickly, asking, "Are you sure?" "Yes. I saw her leave with the others." Greg and Lee both hurried outside, but after a thorough search, they found no evidence of the woman. The Emergency Response Vehicle would be on sight soon, and they'd get an opportunity to run the security footage through facial recognition. Greg could only hope they'd get a hit.