[@Iatos] Elvina nodded " yes lets head back now, since I bet our other members are in a horrible position right now, so lets hurry Twix. I need to get there as fast as I can to help heal the wounded and fallen ones in our party. " She said and grabbed the last bit of pecha and Oran berries she was gathering hen she tied the big leaf around her neck with her hands holding on it as she focused to make her legs to work well as she ran a bit and halted waiting for Twix to catch up with her when he was a distance away from her a she ran through forest as her eevee tail swayed as she ran and made sure the giant leaf was very secured around her shoulders and neck for nothing won't fall out even if she fell down in the forest that Twix and her went to gather supplies to heal their wounded or fallen members in the group who were fighting the grimers and muks.