Name:Conner Age: 18 Appearance:[Hider=Click][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Conner is extremely rude towards alot of others. He can't stand being around cowards or those who thinks they are on top of the world. Although hes normally relaxed and clam, Conner does haves a short fuse. Even if he is mean, Conner is very protective towards the one close to him Moveset (Up to 4): Work up| Vital Throw|Sky Uppercut|Dark Pulse Password: Other: Heterosexual Name:Aurelia Age: 17 Appearance:[hider=Click][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Aurelia is a very sweet and kind girl. However, she is extremely shy around alot of people. She normally keeps to her self and avoid others. While its true that shes shy, Aurelia will rarely stand up for her self and others Moveset (Up to 4): Moonblast| Razor leaf|Energy ball|Cotton guard Password: Other: Heterosexual