[i][color=brown]Sound the Fanfare Team Eevees back in town[/color][/i] Having returned from the forest with as much haste their poor walking conditions allowed, even Twix himself found that walking on all fours or three at least were occasionally easier than on just one and a half. And soon the sign would come back into View as they made their way back. Already from a distance Twix could see that the battle was over, and their side was seemingly victorious even if the price of battle remained unclear for the moment. His ankle was still sore and he was sure he would have a bruise for a while there, yet he pressed on knowing wholey that their like looking allies could be in desperate need of their aid. [color=brown]" We're back... Are you guys doing okay?"[/color] he called from a distance even if the answer was soon coming into view. There he could see the injuries sustained by the combatants, one on the ground while others sitting nearby. His instincts quickly told him to see to the needs of the one on the ground first as she seemed to be in need of perhaps serious medical help. He quickly went to Elvinas side and pointed to the female on the ground. [color=brown]"Can you help her?... I shall see to the others"[/color] he said as he gently helped Elvina unload their supplies and he took Pecha berries to those in need. [color=brown]"here... These should help you against the poison"[/color] he said figuring he could save his speech on how stupid they been for later. Yet as he stood there a concerned expression crept across his face and his ears were twitching to each sound on full alert.