[@Iatos] [@RiverMaiden] [@ianzerep] [@Lunarlors34] [@Draconequis] Elvina grabbed some of their health supplies then nodded and went over to the girl laying on the ground and started to aid her with what was needed to make the girl back to normal and she focused so intently on doing everything right without any kind of mistakes in aiding her patients that she worked on, to cure them once more. She sighed and continued to help aid the others around her after she finished with the first girl she traveled around healing everybody that needed first aid from their battle they were fighting against the poisoned Pokemon without any healing supplies on hand at the time of the battle. " I guess it is time for all of us to find shelter in this town while everybody recovers through the night. I want everybody to relax and chill while everybody are recovering and since we have no clue what happen to us we have to make nobody travels without a partner or a group with them for now, just in case more wild Pokemon attacks us once again, " she said as she kept moving and walking from one to another giving them some healing supplies while she was working on them perfectly and she also doubled checked that she cured them with no worries in her eyes right now.