[center][h1][u][b]Yuki Akagawa[/b][/u][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/V2GqCcr.png[/img] 16 | Male | Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Height: 5'5" (165.1cm) | Body Type: Slim | Skin: Sunkissed | Hair Color: Bleach Blonde Eye Color: Red (right)/ Green (left) [hider= Soul Linked Appearance][img]http://files.vividscreen.info/soft/b05dcd38b887ebaa1eba09976e17c9d9/Macadamia-Anime-Warrior-wide-i.jpg[/img] [b][u]CHANGES MADE[/u][/b] Height: 6'0" (182.88cm) | Hair Color: White | Eye Color: Red Other: Yuki materializes armor, on his arms and legs, similar to that of his guardian | Eyes appear on his cloak. It is not yet known if they serve a purpose or if they are just a fashion statement[/hider] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Yuki has been a victim of bullying for as long as he can remember. His heterochromic eyes and abnormally young appearance always seem to attract the wrong attention. There's not really much he can do about his appearance, except pray that one day he grows and fills out, but he has been known to wear an eyepatch to hide his eyes. For years his self-esteem has taken some major blows. As a result, Yuki is usually the quiet and reserved type. The vibe he gives off is one of sadness. It practically screams "I always have a dark cloud over my head" and "I think everybody hates me and is out to get me". There also isn't very much that he would consider himself to be good at. Mostly because he lacks the self-motivation and confidence to try anything. Home is the only place where he can, somewhat, be happy and that's only because of one thing; his cat Mocha. Sadly, Mocha probably knows more about Yuki than his own parents do. He's seriously on the verge of being that crazy, old, cat guy down the street, if he keeps going down this path. There's still hope though! It's quite the project, but Yuki's guardian has been trying to [s]force[/s] motivate and show him that there's is something great that's inside of him. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] (I will be addidng one soon enough) [b][u][h1]Kuroi Suisei[/h1][/u][/b] [img]http://i60.tinypic.com/2i6dues.jpg[/img] [b]Butterfly Appearance-[/b] Body: Brown | Wings: Transparent | Wing Veins/ Trim: Red | Other: very small, light, spots of purple are sprinkled on over the transparent parts of the wing [b][u]Class-[/u][/b] Weapon [b][u]Primary Weapon-[/u][/b] Halberd (as depicted) [b][u]Magic-[/u][/b] Air (25) | Earth (25) | Fire (25) | Illusion (25) [b][u]Personality-[/u][/b] Kuroi is as every bit of demonic as her appearance. Not that she's evil, but flat out cold. The only thing she seems to care about is the well-being of her human. Her face appears to be stuck in a permanent mean mug, even when she's happy. She definitely embraces the warrior spirit. Train hard. Be the best. Breathe, eat, live combat. There's nothing more glorious than the battlefield and nothing more pleasing to her senses than the sight/smell of spilt blood from the enemy. Kuroi is fully aware of her humans insecurites and makes it a point to turn him into the finest warrior. Though her methods may not be as.... gentle. Rather, her approach on the matter is similar to that of a drill sergeant. Should he ever feel down or place doubts on himself, Kuroi is quick to get in his face and whip him into shape. She refuses to believe (or even allow) her human to be weak. [/center]