]Name: Herman Jansen Age: 15 Gender: Male Birthplace: The Netherlands [hider]Normal Appearance[img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/2bf2/f/2012/048/9/6/he__s_magic_by_nekolenlen-d4q2hqy.jpg[/img][/hider] Appearance after Soul Link: Gains wings on his back. Hair becomes the same color as Kalandria's feathers. The white of his eyes turns golden. Feet become birdclaws. Personality: Herman is the type that lets others make the decisions while he goes along with the group. Not that he is shy or anything, he just prefers to avoid unneeded conflict if possible. However if he believes conflict to be necessary, he won't easily back down though. Bio: (Optional) Other: (Anything else you'd like to add, such as, "likes" "dislikes"... hell even throw a theme song in here if you'd like) -Guardian- Name: Kalandria Appearance: (Butterfly form) [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/Anthocharis_cardamines_06052006.JPG/266px-Anthocharis_cardamines_06052006.JPG[/img] The black spots on the wings are transparent. Appearance: (True form) [hider][img]http://i0.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/caladrius.jpg?fit=500%2C%209999&crop=0%2C0%2C100%2C536px[/img][/hider] Class: Caster Magic: Wind (65 out of 100) Flight - As it says this allows the user to fly Wind Blade - Throws a single "blade" of wind at the opponent. Wing Gust - By flapping their wings the user generates a gust of wind. Healing (35 out 100) Healing - Can heal bruises and minor cuts. Personality: Kalandria fully knows how rare healing magic is and that as a caster her magic can become exceptionally strong and as a result she acts a little conceited.