As people came into the cafeteria, Violet looked up from her book and saw the others. She stood up and looked to the ground, holding her book to her chest. She was very shy and she didn't like talking. She hated when people approached her. She walked past a few people she didn't know and they stared at her (these are just random students) before she ran out into the corridor, staring at the ground, running outside to her special place, a small crystal clear lake which she loved to read by. It was surrounded by trees so no one usually came there and she started reading there. Lola starting running around the school when the sun was rising. She was quite fast and bouncy as she kept running and timing herself and she was getting faster at each lap. She saw the sun rising as she ran but she didn't stay in one place. She saw Charlotte flying in the sky as she always did and she giggled. She kept running. Charlotte and Lola were good friends as they were both sporty people but Charlotte had a worse temper than Lola and was more of a daydreamer while Lola was more down to earth and very talkative to everyone. She waved up to Charlotte before she continued running. Charlotte was flying around some more, in a daydream before seeing Lola waving to her and waved back down. She had seen Axle earlier as well as Violet but they disappeared. She had also seen Greg, Charlie and Severus (love the name [@Rex]) play a trick on people and she kept flying around and around as fast as possible. She was smiling as she flow as she loved the sky and found it amazing that the sunrise could be so peaceful and she had an even better view from the sky as she smiled as brightly as the morning sun as her green eyes gleamed in the light of the sun.