Mellio laid the knocked-out female on the ground by the other Gijinkas, noticing that there was a new addition to the group while he had conversed with the blond girl. When the new girl with red hair started to apologize, Mellio felt two emotions rise within himself that he believed weren't natural to him: anger and irritation. Walking up to the older teen, he had the urge to slap her across the face, but chose not to. [color=39b54a]"Control yourself better"[/color], was all the 13-year old said, looking and acting much older than he did just a few minutes ago. His normally cloudy eyes seemed closer to a steel grey at that moment in time, staring at the older teen and piercing through her, but softened as he noticed the return of the Eevees. He thanked Elvina as she healed the Ampharos Gijinka, then sat down next to the unconscious girl on the ground. He felt responsible for her injuries, even though there was nothing he could have done, so he sat by her and kept watch over her, gaining a warm smile as he looked at Pyro and Frida. [color=lightgreen]"You guys are really strong, being able to fight those... Grimers all by yourselves."[/color] Mellio had struggled for the names of those purple slimes for a moment, then remembered the name that had popped up in his head before. Looking up from his position on the ground, he was glad he had awakened to the faces of the people around him. Not even 30 minutes of being alive, with no memories of the past nor purpose, and the green haired boy was content with life. [@Eagenitheflamingkprince][@Iatos][@Draconequis][@Lunarlors34][@Devo][@RiverMaiden]