Lana hadn't meant to camouflage herself when the agent looked away. She was [i]in the mode[/i]. She was acting on instinct as he had been. Of course, this was only a recently discovered instinct. So, did that make it instinct? Or learned behavior? Did it matter? Did it matter [i]right[/i] now. Her existence right this moment was nothing but fear and uncertainty. All that mattered right now was that this man with the gun got her out of here. He laid out his demands for helping her. Then he asked, "Who are they? And what do they want from you?" She suddenly appeared again. The agent flinched, reaching for but not grasping his weapon. He was becoming comfortable with her, Lana thought. Hoped. No one had been entirely comfortable with Lana in a very long time. Just thinking it made her lips widen a bit in a pleased smile, despite the current situation. "They are people I can't hide from, like I can you. They are people who want to know how I do it. They are people who will not give me a choice as to whether or not I [i]want[/i] to tell them how I do it." She gave the agent a moment to consider what she was telling him. She asked, "What's your name?" After he answered, she asked simply, "Can we leave? [i]Please?[/i]"