Name: Tommy Age: 18 Appearance: [hider=Click] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Tommy is a fiery gijinka. He was always picked on for his shortness and his childish face so it gave him a complex. He is loud and always the first to strike. With his mean aura and snarky remarks, most think he is incapable of making friends, but actually most people like his lack of sensitivity and his rough exterior. What most don't know is that Tommy can be very nice at times but usually does not show people this side. Moveset (Up to 4): Magical Leaf Ancient Power (Never Uses...Almost) Fairy Wind Metronome Other: Heterosexual Name: Shawn Age: 16 Appearance: [hider=Click] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Shawn is man of action more than words. He does talk just isn't the type to waste his breath on little things. He enjoy's trying new things and going out on an adventure. Shawn seems happy all the time and it takes a lot for him to get mad at others. He is the ultimate optimist and can find a bright side to every situation. Moveset (Up to 4): Crunch Dragon Pulse Body Slam Dragon Breath Other: Asexual Name: Miles Age: 20 Appearance: [hider=Click] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Miles is your average pretty boy. He can be rude to others in a heart beat and thinks almost everyone else besides him and his friends are not worth the time of day. Miles is very smart, and uses his brains and beauty to gain advantages on other. He has a narcissus complex and is not afraid to show it. Moveset (Up to 4): Aqua Tail Hydro Pump Attract Dragon Tail Other: Bisexual