It was kind of freaking Greg out the way Lana disappeared and reappeared the way she did. She explained that she couldn't be caught by these people, finishing, "Can we leave? Please?" He took another look out the window. With the exception of the [i]Boss[/i], his [i]bodyguards[/i] and two pairs of men flanking the entrance to the building, the other occupants of the SUVs must have all entered the building. That meant they were on their way upstairs ... up here! Greg moved quickly, heading for the condo's front door as he ripped the radio off his belt. "Capital City units, there are unauthorized people entering the building under the guise of being federal agents." He waved frantically to Lana, encouraging her to join him. "Stop these units ... [i]non[/i]-lethal force, [i]only[/i]. I repeat. These are [i]not[/i] federal agents. Do [i]not[/i] allow them into the building." As Greg opened the door, the radio went crazy with cross communications. The unidentified agents had already gotten past the Double C officers in the lobby, flashing what they'd claimed was an authorization of jurisdiction. They were coming up via both the elevator and the south stairwell. An FBI agent began a report over the radio when, in the background, another agent could be heard ordering the MIB-types to stay put. "[i]Stand down![/i]" a voice called, followed by shouting from both [i]teams[/i] and the familiar sound of a bean bag loaded shotgun firing. Without understanding who was hollering it, Greg heard over the radio mixed with more gun fire, "[i]Federal Agents! Drop your weapons! Federal Agents![/i]" Greg grabbed Lana by the wrist and hurried her out into the hall. After receiving his orders, a pair of Capital City uniforms ran for the elevator while a pair of Double C detectives headed for the south stairwell. Greg pulled Lana behind him, heading for the north stairwell. He checked it for activity and -- neither seeing nor hearing any -- descended with the woman close behind him. He could feel and hear the continuing gun fire through the walls of the stairwell.