[hider=Shamash] [center][b]GENERAL INFORMATION[/b][/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Shamash-Utu [b]Nickname:[/b] - [b]Age:[/b] 6012 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] God [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a meager 130 cm, Shamash can hardly be said to cut an imposing figure. His golden hair and eyes, while softly glowing, clash strangely with his tanned skin and build similar to that of a child. This paints an odd picture, given his incredibly professional demeanor. [b]Pantheon:[/b] Assyro-Babylonian/Sumerian [b]Father:[/b] Sin [b]Mother:[/b] Ningal [b]Siblings:[/b] Ereshkigal, Inanna [center][b]PSYCHOLOGY[/b][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Bears a reputation as an annoying man who mercilessly lectures individuals on their flaws and shortcomings. In spite of this, though, he generally approaches his role with an astute level of professionalism and, when "off-duty", takes the role of an advice-giver over a berater. While his primary role is to pass down judgment of others and cull evil, he isn't wholly against warning others to change their ways so long as it is before they cross the line. Only when dealing with such an individual does his repressed frustration and anger shoot forth at those who stand before him in the form of righteous conviction. [b]Likes:[/b] Lecturing, conviction, straightforwardness. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Slackers, ambiguity, sedentary peoples. [b]Quirks:[/b] The most uptight, hall monitor-esque individual one will ever meet. [b]Fears:[/b] Ishtar's sad face. [b]Ambition:[/b] None, he is content with his daily life of convicting others. [center][b]DIVINE RIGHT[/b][/center] [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Solar Chariot, Thirteen Winds. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Sun:[/i] Capacity of a solar deity and manipulation of the celestial body. As Shamash is the sun which vanquishes and purifies rather than the Sun that destroys, there is an affinity for purification and clearing away "obscurants/evil", as well as solar-level heat and light creation. However, he does not possess an affinity for the Sun as an avatar for indifferent destruction as much as a certain other Babylonian god. [i]Law:[/i] Authority over laws and rules, both already-existing as well as those that have yet to be made. As the judge of the world who created the first code of law, the ability to write in laws is only natural, as is the capability to see all Truth such that an objective decision can be made. As the arbiter of justice, the charges that have been established once as clear good and evil are absolute. [i]Travel:[/i] The authority over conceptual "travel" between points is something accomplished easier than breathing; this allows for great exercises of convenience such as movement between designated points in 3-space by authority. Naturally, this authority extends to that of those who have traveled or are traveling, just as he gifted Gilgamesh and Enkidu with the weapons of heroes who had once traveled whilst they embarked on their pilgrimage to slay Humbaba. [b]Strengths:[/b] Declaration and sentence with regards to reality and its a priori conditions, mobility. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Outright destructive potential is relatively low for a solar deity, underestimates slackers, overestimates law-abiding individuals. [b]Pets:[/b] Solar Lion and the Girtablilu. [center][b]HISTORY[/b][/center] Known as Shamash in Assyro-Babylonian religion and Utu in Sumerian, Shamash as he prefers to be addressed is the offspring of the Babylonian moon god and a central deity of said pantheon. Much of his detailed accounts stem from the Epic of Gilgamesh, such as in his gifting to Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the form of counsel and the items of those who had once traveled. Regarded as a god of the sun, travel, and justice, he is one who tears away ambiguity and brings wrongness and evil to light. It is also mentioned that the Girtablilu created by Tiamat were entrusted to him as underlings, and serve him to this day. As an aside, the Code of Hammurabi was actually a creation of Shamash, rendered according to laws he wrote into being and later dismissed. [/hider]